SOME-ISM is a platform that connects dyers and customers. The meaning of SOME-ISM is SOME = to dye, ISM = principle.

There are various traditional dyeing cultures across Japan, such as Aizome (Japanese Indigo dyeing) in Tokushima and Doro Zome (mud dyeing) in Amami Oshima. These dyeing techniques usually use natural materials so they are characterized by natural colors and have been loved by Japanese people for many years. However, 99.99% of the clothing we currently wear every day is dyed with synthetic dyes. Since the late 1800s, the chemicalization of clothing dyes has progressed, leading to an era of mass production and mass consumption, which has placed a huge burden on the environment. As a result, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development ranked the fashion industry as the second most polluting industry in the world. In addition, demand for the traditional Japanese dyeing techniques decreased dramatically due to the demand for more efficient mass production. Coupled with a decline in the labor force in the dyeing industry due to the declining birthrate, Japan's traditional dyeing culture is in decline.

By meeting artisans from various dyeing industries, we are able to witness first-hand the beauty of the delicate colors expressed by the skilled hands of artisans, the efficacy of products obtained through natural dyeing, and the passion of artisans for their techniques. I made it. At the same time, I learned about the difficult situation that culture and business were in.

After thinking about how we could help preserve this wonderful culture and technology for future generations, we thought that we could help craftsmen with online marketing and e-commerce, which they are weak at, so we started creating SOME-IMS, which connects craftsmen and customers. Through SOME-ISM , we want people not only in Japan but all over the world to learn about Japanese dyeing culture.